Richard Waddington

Richard Waddington (1838–1913) [1] was a French legislator and historian, brother of William Henry and cousin of Charles Waddington. He was born at Rouen. In 1870–71 he served as a captain of artillery. Elected a deputy in 1876, he sat with the Left Centre until 1891, when he was elected senator for Seine-Inférieure. He was re-elected to the Senate in 1900. Waddington wrote Louis XV et le renversement des alliances (1896), and La guerre de sept ans: histoire diplomatique et militaire (five volumes, Paris : Firmin-Didot et cie, published 1899–1914).[1]

Richard Waddington was the manager of Waddington cotton manufactury of Saint-Rémy-sur-Avre (Eure-et-Loir). He was born from the marriage of Thomas Waddington (Cotton manufacturer in Saint Remy sur Avre) with Ann Chisholm, William Chisholm's daughter (son of Roderik Chisholm of Chisholm, 21 chief of Chisholm clan) and Janet Mackintosh of Kyllachy (source from : Alexander MacKenzie, History of the Chisholms, Inverness 1891) and Gérard RIEHL collection (GSM 06 17 52 92 92 22 March 2007). Richard Waddington died in 1913,[1] but some of his writings might have been published after his death.


  1. ^ a b c "Results Summary: Subject=Seven Years' War, 1756–1763" (list related books), National Library of Canada, 1997, webpage: LibCanada-search-7YrsWar.
